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Jackson Road Congestion

23rd February 2024

Dear Resident

It is apparent to everyone that traffic congestion in the village has increased dramatically over recent years, especially at the beginning and the end of the school day. 

Whenever it occurs this congestion creates significant problems for residents, buses, delivery and public service vehicles and access for emergency vehicles.  

More than 20 years ago, in order to try and alleviate the problem, residents of Jackson Road, Smithy Croft, Beech Grove and Green Lane were consulted on a proposal to introduce a one way system for Jackson Road – when traffic would enter at the south (school) end and exit at the north (church) end.  At that time the majority of residents rejected the proposal.

In assisting with managing the problem the Village Hall currently permits limited parking by school staff. Without this concession the situation would be even worse.  

Before the Parish Council again approaches the highway authority to discuss any options, it seeks your views with regard to ways that the problem of traffic congestion might be addressed. 

As a starting point the Parish Council suggests 3 potential solutions, outlined below, and invites you to suggest any other possible ideas you might have thought about.

Please be assured that the suggestions are simply ideas for discussion - not actual proposals.  However, should any of them be well supported, they will be considered further. 

If you would like further information or clarification regarding this consultation,  please contact the Clerk at; or the Chairman, Craig Nicholson at:  tel. 01228 536 895.

To complete the survey, please click here.